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Monday, August 25, 2008

Te Reo Kori - Fun!

Dear Room 17,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, although the weather was not too pleasant at all!

I wonder how many of you remember the games and the Poi dance you did last Friday? Here are some photos to refresh your memory! By the way, I think we should do the Poi dance at the school assembly.


Monday, August 11, 2008


Dear Room 17,

The Olympic games had begun! Which sport have you kept your eyes on? I have heard that most of the girls were amazed by the accuracy and perfection of the Synchro-Springboard. How about you boys?

Here I have found some photos taken at a 'Potato Olympics'. Take a look and leave me some positive and constructive comments:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Arts Festival & the Bad Hair Day!

Dear Room 17,

Welcome back! q(^o^)p

It was nice to see you all and I am sure that you had a fantastic holiday with your family!

We had a wonderful time early in Week 1 having our Arts Festival and all of you have produced wonderful artwork with the teachers in charge. Here I have uploaded some photos of your 'Bad Hair Day' in Week 1 - who was really having a "BAD HAIR DAY"?
