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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Goodbye Shyan and Robin

Dear Room 17,
It was a pity that we had to farewell two of our classmates this week. Actually we didn't get to say goodbye to Robin. Hopefully he will check our blog and wirte to us.

Think and reflect on the good time we had together with Shyan and Robin and feel free to leave some messages for them.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Heaving Heart"

Dear Room 17,

First of all, I want to say that we were so lucky to have Nigel and Erica to share their expertise, knowledge and resources with us this afternoon with those 'fascinating' sheep hearts and other medical equipments! Again, A BIG thank-you to both Nigel and Erica!

Here are some photos of what we have done! Please leave comments to show how much fun you had! q(^0^)p

Here are some useful web sites: