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Monday, August 13, 2012

Everyone has a story to tell...

Dear Room 14,

We have had a wonderful story time this morning with Stu Duval, who is an author, an illustrator and a great story-teller!

He has shared with us about how to tell stories with drawings and pictures, and how to use them to help us write our own stories. How did Stu start his story? Do you remember all the interesting characters that he had to put in his story? How did he link all the characters, places and events together? Which was the most difficult or tricky part for us? Do you like the ending of the story? How would you change it if it was your story?

 How to draw a face with a lower-case 'a': 

How to draw a face with a 'S': 

How to draw a face with the number '100': (this is our lovely Charlotte)

How to draw a dog with the numeral '5': 

Here is a clip of how to draw a face with the number '100':

Stu has also told us a fantastic story that he made up for his sons: Captain Black Custard. What was your favourite part? 

Don't forget to share your story ideas here and happy posting!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Harvest Time & Grandparents Day

Dear Room 14,

We had some fun today harvesting our vegetable garden with Jo today. There are some really cute carrot-babies, some skinny snow-peas, two different types of lettuce, and one beautiful beetroot. We have also found a little helper, an earthworm, wondering around our garden.

We had a quick discussions on what we can make out of our harvest and some of you are going to take some home to make them into dishes. I can't wait to see what you are going to bring tomorrow!

Enjoy the photos!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rich Task - Who Keeps the story alive?


Dear Room 14 and families, 

We have an very interesting Rich Task this term, which involves finding our family history and stories. Most of you have done your family trees and some of you went the extra mile to find out the meaning or origin of your family name. Good job!

A big thank-you to one of our lovely parents John, who shares one of his collection re Primeval New Zealand so Room 14 and I can learn more about this lovely country that we are in and what it was like hundreds of years ago! Lisa thank you for your wonderful drawing on the disk.

We have another 'new member' joined our class after Justin and Alif and his name is Wenlock. He will be watching the results of the Olympic and Paralympic games with us this term. 

Go New Zealand! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Celebrate Maori Language Week


Dear Room 14, 

Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a nice school break and restore your energy for more learning. It is term 3 already and we are starting this term with the Maori Language Week. We have listened and talked about Maori places, songs and greetings in class and have practised a love song called 'Pokarekare Ana'. You can find it on YouTube. 

There are so many web sites and resources online for embracing this beautiful language and here are some that you may like to have a look: 

Last but not least, challenge yourself with 100 Maori words every New Zealanders should know:  or little quiz from NZ History: 

Have fun! 


NB: “Arohatia te Teo” is the theme for Māori Language Week (23-29 July) 2012. Arohatia te Reo means to cherish the language.

Do you know what these kai are? 

What do these classroom commands mean?
e tu,  
e noho,   
ata whakaaro,   
ata titiro,  
whakarongo mai,   
korero mai,  
homai te pukapuka, 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our Rich Task sport!

Dear Room 14,

I am pleased to see all of you working hard nicely with each other to have your design done. The class chanting exercise was fun, too! I have enjoyed your great sense of humour and creativity. Good work!

Here is a snapshot of what we have done for the last few days for "the big day"!



Friday, May 25, 2012

Book Week & Dress Up

Dear Room 14,

Hope you all had a lovely Book Week. We have had the awesome Book Week parade right before lunch time and it was interesting to see many of us dress-up!

Whose costume do you like? Which character would you like to dress up to be next year?

PS, thank you Yanis for joining us on Friday!  
