Hello and welcome to Super 17 at Balmoral, a blog where you can share your ideas and opinions in relation to our posted topic.
Before we start, let’s agree we all stick to these ten rules below. They are designed to keep you safe and help you learn from each other.
* I will only use my first name
* I will never give out my email address
* I will never give out my home address
* I will never give out my telephone number
* I will respect others
* I will not use rude or threatening words
* I will not use text talk or chat language
* I will not copy other people’s work
* I will be responsible for everything I write
* I will check my spelling before posting
Remember, Super 17 at Balmoral is like a virtual classroom.
So, now it is time to write a brief introduction about yourself.
Include these things:
* Your first name, and your year level.
* Some family information - for example who you live with - no names please.
* You may wish to name the area you live in. For example - Mt Albert, Sandringham, Mt Eden, Balmoral.
* If you have links to other countries tell us about them. Maybe you have lived in other countries?
* Some of your interests.
* Set yourself some big goals for 2008 - they can be class related, sport related or even outside of school. What is it that you really want to achieve this year? We can look at these and time line them!
I am really looking forward to our blogging journey and can’t wait to read your comments. Have fun and enjoy it! q(^0^)p